Sunday, November 16, 2014

Environment Development 2

Considering the earlier feedback that I was given, I decided to start over and re-evaluate what I was doing. Since I had designed my character to be wearing a winter kimono, I needed to create my environments to suit which, considering the weather in Japan, meant having plenty of snow and ice.

I created an adaptation of the first environment that I did, since I liked the idea but the composition was off. I removed the mountain on the right and instead made it hilly, and I changed the angle of the building in the foreground. I already had ideas in my head about what I was going to do for this piece.

This piece was a little harder to complete in terms of perspective since the horizon line is not visible at all here. It was difficult especially to get the boards on the roof to be evenly spaced. I wasn't entirely sure on the composition of this piece but I went in and developed further to see if my suspicions were true.

I was really beginning to appreciate how this piece was coming out and was genuinely excited to start working on it fully. I added a little bit of haze in the background to simulate how low visibility would look like while it was snowing. I also applied very bleak, dull colours to capture the essence of the depths of winter.

I was still unsure about this piece but it felt a lot more complete than it did before. In this piece, the sky would be clear instead of cloudy so that a lot more sunlight would be passing through and entering the room, creating quite a dramatic lighting.

The thick snow of the outside environment really captivated me, so I decided that I would develop this into one of my final environments. For the interior, however, I felt that it simply would not work for me and instead decided to develop another piece from earlier development.

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