Thursday, November 20, 2014

Final Outcomes for BA1

Final Character Piece - The Princess

Looking back to the character sheet, I felt inspired by the pose of her sitting as well as from way back where I started with the original pose of her with her hand raised. It took a while otherwise to find a pose that I liked, but that also suited her personality. Composition wise, I feel like it is quite balanced as the character is not overpowered by anything in the background - I wanted to make sure that she is the focus and thus left possibly distracting objects out. Though, I do feel that the place she is positioned in could be better aligned. I would otherwise leave this piece untouched as I think it is a well-rendered representation of what I think she would look like.

This is the first final environment piece, which incorporates the character standing on the ledge and looking out over the snowy city. I'd first considered having the city look grey and blue, but I soon realised how to create an effect which would make the city look like a group of snowy roofs spanning over the landscape. This made my process a lot more efficient than painting each one manually, and I feel like I am getting better at expressing a lot within fewer brushstrokes. As for improvement, I felt a little more tone could have been added as I feel like the colours are quite scattered, few and far between, making the composition quite sporadic in places.

In the final environment piece I decided to take one of the initial thumbnails and adapt it into the current environment. This meant thinning out the trees and covering a lot of the landscape in snow. I wanted this environment to be in the sun so that the shadows would be a lot more vibrant but, in all honesty, this piece felt a little rushed and if I had the time I would go back and work on it more. This one I would work on the most as I feel like the trees on the right especially break the flow of focus, which is not what I am looking for in these pieces.

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