Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Development & Iterations 1

Continuing from my silhouettes and initial development, as well as utilising my research into clothing in the Edo period, I began to develop a more refined character; The Queen of the story.

At the moment, it is still very rough. I only created the rough outlines of her clothes so that I know what everything is and where it should go. Creating the patterns for the clothes is a crucial step that I need to do a lot of consideration into, as I will have to keep in mind the ideal colours and detail for someone of her status. I may have to use existing designs as a reference to make sure that it looks proper for someone of high status in Edo Japan.

For now, I focused on creating various designs for her hair. Hair varied a lot from a single basis, which usually involved the hair being slicked back with wax and pinned with a comb. Some styles would incorporate a shaved in widow's peak, and are often accessorised with hair sticks and ribbons. Out of these current designs (with the first one not being an actual design, but the 'base') I prefer the rightmost, as it is not terribly extravagant but captures the essence of a very eloquent and cultured woman of power.

This is just the start, I still have to do a lot more development to create a finalised design that I am happy with.

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