Friday, March 20, 2015

1st Model Study

My first choice for a model study is a window I picked from my previously taken photographs of Norwich.

At first glance, I can see that the most important part to capture is the circular shape of the window. At this point of time, I won't be focusing on the texture as this part will come later.

This was my attempt at trying to accurately capture the shape of the window. I think the biggest issue I had was trying to keep it low-poly, which isn't as much of an issue with today's technology. At this point of time I shouldn't be worrying about the polycount, as I could easily get away with having hundreds of polies for this single window. I also barely focused on working with primitives beyond the initial cylinder for the window, which means accuracy has been compromised a little by using tools such as extrude instead.

Here shows the wireframe view of the window. This makes clear how low-poly the window is, which is something I hope to improve on for the next model study.

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