Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Project Brief for BA3

This project will be applying the knowledge we have been learning in Directed Study throughout the year, where we will be using Autodesk Maya to create an architectural piece as our final submission.

However, at this moment of time we have not been briefed to the creative part of the project, which we will be filled in on after we have completed the study portion of this project. First, we will expected to spend 4 weeks developing 4 model studies from life, focusing on creating quality assets so that we can improve our skills with the program without getting distracted by the creative brief.

Throughout this project, we will also be expected to develop an understanding of architecture. Suggestions as to how to achieve this would include gathering photos, doing sketches and drawn studies of buildings, 3D models, as well as texture and lighting studies. The ultimate aim is to focus on learning how to make objects look realistic and polished.

I am glad to finally start learning Maya properly after having been introduced many months back, as it is a very versatile tool. As was said in the lecture, 9/10 of employers will expect me to have 3D knowledge, so getting good with the program will be an invaluable skill, though this may be the most challenging project so far.

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