Friday, March 20, 2015

Mood Board - Georgian Architecture

I collected some images of  Georgian architecture to help get a better understanding of what I'm supposed to be looking for and the general characteristics that are prominent throughout this era of architecture.

One of the most noticeable features is the striking symmetry and geometry that a lot of Georgian architecture bears. In the late Georgian years, this, alongside using mathematical rules to determine exactly how many rooms a house would have, as well as the dimensions of a building, were strongly approved of whereas asymmetry was frowned upon. Regularity in general was desired, which is why there are a lot of similarities amongst the different images, much more than what would probably have been found looking at most other areas of architecture.

There were a lot of inspirations that Georgian architecture took on. Having succeeded Baroque, it took on a little of its form, whilst also including Palladian architecture and, in a lesser sense, Gothic. Later on, a Greek Revival was also incorporated.

In terms of materials, it is clear that stone and brickwork is the primary backbone here. Ashlar (very finely cut and shaped) stonework was popular around this time, and makes its way in here, show especially in pictures like the top right. I will have to do more material research later on.

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