Thursday, March 19, 2015

Photo Gathering of Norwich

Our first task given to us was to go around Norwich and collect photos to use for our studies. Since our model studies are meant to be of roughly 1x1 metre squared areas of a building, we were advised to focus on this size for our models. We were given a choice of three different eras of architecture to focus on - Norman, Georgian and Contemporary. I'll be making a mood board of these to get an idea of their commonalities and differences later, but for now these are some of the better images I collected. I focused mainly upon Georgian architecture when I was going around and taking photos, but I did get some Norman architecture alongside with it.

From looking at these photographs, there are a lot of aspects to consider when creating a realistic-looking replica of part of a building:
  • Their overall silhouette. Observing this will help one understand how to construct the objects out of primitives.
  • The wear and tear. Observing this will make objects seem more realistic and less perfect and mathematical in nature.
  • The materials. Observing this will help in constructing the various texture maps we will be required to include later on.
  • The silhouette compared to the detail. Observing this will help understand what parts of a model should be in the geometry and what parts should be part of the texture.

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