Friday, April 17, 2015

3rd Model Study

My choice for the third model study was one of the pillars situated within the Royal Arcade, located right in the middle of Norwich.

The overall silhouette of the pillar is very simple to capture, the only issue I can see occurring is through the texture, as I am unsure as to how to create the shape of the intricate leaf pattern on the four corners. However, this is a good opportunity to try and begin to texture my model studies.

Capturing the silhouette of the pillar was the easy part, the hard part was trying to unwrap it and apply a simple texture. As seen by the round brick part of the pillar, I had some trouble getting the texture and the UV wrap to line up properly. I think the issue was primarily the method I used to unwrap it - at the time I wasn't aware that I could use cylindrical mapping to get a smoother shape to work upon.

Plus, I had no idea how to begin with getting in the detail whilst making it look good - this would require the use of multiple different texture maps as well as adding more geometry to get the balance of major and minor detail down. I think that, in this case, it would be a better idea to model the leaf separately, get it textured and looking good before duplicating and attaching it to the main model.

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