Monday, April 27, 2015

Life Drawing 4

This session we had another model, and our first task was to draw something like a character sheet, where we draw the person from four different general angles to get an idea of what they look like from each angle. Again, I had the issue of needing to warm up before I could begin drawing in a way that I was happy with, but beyond the first botched drawing I believe I did a fairly good job on matching the parts of her body up to keep each pose level with each other.

The second task this time was another long pose, and again I picked mid-tone paper. I am particularly happy with this due to the use of blending to create varied shadows and lights throughout the piece. For example, the shadow created by her arm as it lies across her stomach is a lot sharper than the shadow that is created as her thigh and stomach fade off into darkness. This, I feel, makes the lighting seem a whole lot more convincing and life-like.

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