Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Life Drawings of Norwich

As a change of pace, I went out and did some observational studies of some buildings in Norwich. I selected the City Hall to be my subject and drew small sections of it at a time, trying to capture the overall shapes and shades of the subject area.

These first two I was fairly pleased with the results because their simple shapes made it easy to focus on the detail rather than spend time trying to get the shape right. This resulted in more finished looking pieces overall.

The spire on top of the City Hall was a bit more of a challenge, and one I think I could have done a little better. The irregular octagonal shape of the spire caught me off and made it difficult to get the perspective to look believable. I had to redraw it multiple times and even then, I'm not entirely happy with it and, given the time, I wouldn't mind going back and re-doing it.

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