Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Creative Brief for BA3

We have finally been set our creative brief for BA3, where our development of modelling and architectural skills will be put to use to create an architectural piece based upon the research we have been engaged in over the past 4 weeks.

Our architectural piece will be a Folly. A Folly is defined as an architectural structure that is designed to serve as a conversational piece, or is created to lend interest to a particular view or commemorate people or events. They are usually quite small but can vary in size, shape and style, depending highly upon the location and surroundings.

During the next 3 weeks, we will be expected to design, mold and texture a folly using the architectural research we have been doing. In this case, my architectural research has primarily been on Georgian architecture, so this should be my focus for the creative brief.

We have been advised to consider the topology of our final model, as well as consider the following:

  • The modularity of the model. Build the parts of the model, if possible, then put it together. Think like Lego.
  • The scale of the model. If building in a modular form, is everything to the right scale? Make sure to do the grid.
I am a little unsure as to how to begin creating my folly. I think the best course of action to start is to collect images of existing Georgian follies and analyze them for similarities to get a starting point.

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