Friday, May 8, 2015

Creative Iterations 1

Given the ease of working with primitives in Maya, I decided to do the bulk, if not all, of my iteration work in 3D. I decided that, based off of my investigations into Georgian follies, the most defining features of my folly should be a circular design, surrounded by pillars.

 My first iteration was relatively simple and small in design. However, it felt too simplistic and that I could do more, so I changed it up a little.

I then developed it a little, trying to capture the inner arches between the pillars by using the bridge polygon tool with multiple divisions, with a little bit of success. However, at this point I was unsure of how to fill it in after I created the bridges and I felt like it was stepping away from the modularity approach.

 I tried to think with modularity in mind by taking out half of the inner arches so that I could easily duplicate around the centre axis later.

I then added in a staircase so that people would be able to climb up to the centre of the folly, and also added in an inner area. By this point, I wasn't sure whether I wanted people to be able to go inside or to just have it as a solid piece of stone.

However, in the end, I changed the design to match more with this particular folly, as I liked the concept of the intricate design and delicate details within, which would draw people in for a closer look. Even so, it was far from finished as I also have to consider details. I was thinking that I would add some details up on the fake second level to let light trickle in from above, creating a dark and mysterious interior for those who would enter.

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