Thursday, May 21, 2015

Self Evaluation for BA3

For a long while, I wanted to learn how to work efficiently in a 3D modelling program and, having gone through this project I feel a lot more confident in my skills now. I really enjoy 3D modelling, even if the brief itself didn't engage my attention as much as the last project did.
Throughout this project, I felt I picked up the technical skills very quickly, which is demonstrated by my choice to do iteration work almost entirely in 3D this time around. I swiftly became familiar with the interface of Maya which helped improve my workflow significantly, meaning I was able to keep up somewhat with developing iterations in a 3D form rather than the 2D that I am used to. Whilst my supporting research was not quite on the level that it was last project, I still made sure to put an effort in and try and create something that makes sense and is contextual to the theme I chose – the Georgian period.
There were definitely some elements I fell short on. Due to my lacking engagement with this project compared to the last one, I felt some of my ideas were a little lacking and that I could have looked up even more contextual research. I also think that I could have put a little bit more effort in to the unwrapping and texturing portion of my final model submission, as I could get more out of my texture maps if I split them up and I could have utilised some of the texture maps better. Plus, in my contextual studies portion, I felt like I was picking up the slack for my partner too much and we couldn't get together often enough to collate ideas.
Based on these shortcomings, I know that for next time I should really plan out my workflow better to make sure I am hitting all the points I should be covering each and every project. I could go about this by making a checklist for me to tick off to make sure I am covering areas such as providing enough contextual research, like drawings from life or mood boards. And since the next year is less about learning the fundamental skills, I can go ahead and plan out my projects more, meaning that everything is on-time and that I don’t rush any particular element. As for technical skills, I should work more on understanding textures and materials, as I believe I struggled a little with that last project as well. I could do some texture and material studies so that I have a better idea of how reflective, rough or textured a particular material is so that my future work is a lot more convincing.

Even so, I had a good time creating my first polished models in Maya. I hope to be able to expand this skill to not just creating a single asset, but whole scenes, as well as working in my previous development and understanding with zBrush to become a polished 3D artist. 

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