Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2D Iterations Part 2

Having settled on the idea of a Cockatrice for my Gargoyle design, I am beginning to work on more iterations, such as the head of the gargoyle and how it may be posed. Since the Cockatrice is based off of the superstitious thoughts of an egg fertilised by a snake or lizard, I thought about incorporating the fangs of a snake. However, I thought it ruined the overall silhouette of the beak and so I decided against it after trying it out. The overall workflow with the heads is trying to make it look more stone-like, whilst exaggerating features like the eyes so that it would look more intimidating and garish to those who are looking at it.

The second stage was trying to see if I could get a pose for the gargoyle. I was keeping in mind how to funnel the water into the mouth as I felt like the pose with the head pointing downwards would not suit the overall idea I had in mind. So here, I tried to represent how it would sit, where the legs would be up against a wall, and the tail would funnel water into the back of the head, where it passes through and out the beak. However, at this point I haven't included how it is going to be mounted on the wall as I am trying to focus on the design of the gargoyle itself at this moment in time.

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