Sunday, January 11, 2015

3D Iterations Part 2

Following on from learning about ZSpheres and Shadowbox, I wanted to try out Shadowbox since I already knew how to use ZSpheres. Since I've decided to create a cockatrice sculpture, I created something almost like it but keeping rather open as I may change my mind.

As evidenced, it took a few tries before I got a beginning shape that I was happy with. Getting things like tails and wings to work properly was hard so I believe that a method like this is probably not the one to use for a sculpture of this shape. However, eventually I got a shape I was happy with and, with some trimming and movement I got the base shape down.

The first sculpt looked more like an armless imp than a cockatrice, but a little variation can be good. Though I definitely tried to deviate from this look further on. 

I decided that elongating the beak and making the head stand out would make it look more bird-like. It worked, but now it looks more griffin-like, so more work is needed.

After adding some 'scales' to the front, pulling out the beak more and adding some wattles to the side of the face, it's beginning to look more like a cockatrice. However, I think I am going to have to look at more references and get some 2D iteration before I start settling on a design.

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