Thursday, January 15, 2015

3D Iterations Part 3

Having decided not to experiment further with Shadowbox, I have instead decided to work with ZSpheres, as they are a quick way of mapping out a form that can be quickly posed and reshaped, without the blockiness of Shadowbox.

This was my first attempt, to get myself re-familiarised with the tool. I did not decide to pursue this further as I simply wasn't happy with the overall silhouette and proportion. I thought this looked too realistic as to what a cockatrice would likely look in real life, so instead I took a different approach.

This shows the ZSpheres that I formed to create the overall shape. As it is, there is no membrane between the wings since that is not easily achievable with ZSpheres. I got the overall gesture of the gargoyle down before I started work on adding detail.

This is the first pass, before I started adding too much detail or including the eyes into the sculpt. It was during this stage that I was wondering how to get the scales in, such as what scale to do them at and how close they were to each other. I already had most of the form to a state I was happy with by this point so I had nothing else but to add more detail.

This is about part of the way through the second pass. By this point, I had ZRemeshed the model to give it better topology so I didn't have to work at such a high resolution. I had also added in the eyes as a separate subtool and started painting the final scales.

The second pass is finished, and now I can get a better idea as to where to take this next. Firstly, I should look to find a better way to create scales rather than painting them in by hand. I should also look to see how I am going to be mounting it on the wall, as well as pose, as I am happy with the overall shape and idea of the cockatrice.

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