Wednesday, January 21, 2015

3D Iterations Part 5

Having settled on the overall pose that I want my gargoyle to be in, I began working on another iteration. I am hoping for this to be close, if not be my actual final sculpt, as I am feeling confident about this design.

This image is pretty self-explanatory. Starting out with ZSpheres to get the overall silhouette in place.

On top of DynaMeshing and adding volume and shape to my sculpt, I also introduced the plinth on which it would hypothetically sit on. I created this plinth through the use of Shadowbox, but I still feel that the tool is quite clunky and hard to get a handle on with the masking tool - I used the rectangular mask tool and often it would erase the mask on another side that I wasn't working on. However, I am sure that with practice and time I will get more proficient at using it.

Adding detail in the form of scales. At this high resolution it's obvious that my previous technique for drawing out scales by hand is not working as well, so I am going to look into the method to create custom brushes next.

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