Friday, January 9, 2015

Mood Board - Stone Textures

This is a mood board to gather a feel for the texture of stone statues, as I am planning for this to be the material for my gargoyle. A lot of gargoyles from the medieval and Gothic periods were made from either limestone or marble. Since limestone was easier to carve and was fairly plentiful, it was used more, but over time it suffered from erosion. Marble was popular for sculpting due to its lucrative texture and the way it refracts light, but was also more expensive, thus not being utilised nearly as often as limestone. Some gargoyles had features rendered in lead, such as their waterspouts to lessen erosion even more.

In this respect, I am most likely going to make my gargoyle from limestone, so as to be as realistic as possible. This will mean I will have to keep in mind especially the aspects of erosion from rain and the water running through the spout, which may obscure many detailed features in my gargoyle.

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