Friday, January 9, 2015

Mood Board - Modern Gargoyles

Here are some pictures of a more modern take on gargoyles. Since there are more sculptural options with the use of supports built in the inside, gargoyles can become much more varied. However, due to an act passed in 1724 in the UK, gargoyles became a lot less popular as downpipes were required on all new buildings.

In a personal consideration, I will probably not pursue the design of a newer gargoyle as it will mean it will not be as much of a challenge, even if I do trade off a bit of creative freedom by doing so. If I pick a design of a traditional gargoyle I will have to consider more elements such as the possible erosion from weather damage, as well as where lichen and/or moss would grow. I will also have to consider historical and cultural aspects which simply do not exist to as big as an aspect as time goes on. This will help me practice more on a specific theme rather than being given as broad as just 'Gargoyles'.

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