Friday, January 16, 2015

2D Iterations Part 4

Having settled on a pose for the Cockatrice, I decided to develop more facial iteration, focusing on the wattles. These iterations are based off of only a few variations but I am mixing and mashing them together to see which would fit. I expanded the top wattle, trying out making it more bulbous and more jagged. I settled on the bulbous design (top row, middle column) because I thought the jagged design (second row, middle column) was too much and was detracting from the idea of a chicken's head. I also added a wattle across the bottom. The first one (second row, left column) was too far back and looked like his neck was sagging, so I drew it again (third row, left column) and it looked better. I also tried expanding it a little (bottom row, left column). Then I tried combining them together by cutting and pasting them together.

Overall, I was most happy with the designs on the right column, in the first and last rows. I felt that these were the most solid designs. Considering the fact that a lot of medieval gargoyles look like animals but not, I think these two capture the design of a cockerel's head best.

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